Update/Add Manifest and Release Links
From MediaWiki
As we've created a new release, you should review links that are release and manifest related. Within the HTML documentation, you can locate the release related links by examining:
- The NST related links at the top of the links page (update file: html/links.html).
- The rules to generate the HTML version of the manifest (update file: html/include/make/makefile).
- Bump the release number for the nstweb package (update file: yum/pkgs/nstweb/pkginfo.xml).
- Add a %changelog entry (update file: yum/pkgs/nstweb/template.spec).
- Finally, update the NST Feature Release information section in the file: html/welcome.html with the following:
- Verify/Update the release date
- Verify any Kernel version information.
- Update the hard link to the final manifest.
- Update the timeout (for when the NST Feature Release information section is not longer automatically shown, allow for roughly two months).