Network Packet Capturing Management & Status
This section will demonstrate the operational use of the NST WUI "Network Packet Capture Management & Status" implementation. This implementation provides a means to manage a large number of network packet captures that can be generated by either the NST WUI "Single-Tap Network Packet Capture" or the "Multi-Tap Network Packet Capture" interface. Previous or pending network packet captures located on a NST probe will appear in the "Available Network Packet Captures" table depending on the "Location Mode" setting. A complement of Actions or Search Criteria are provided for managing or locating each network packet capture file.
Moving your mouse cursor pointer over each field in the "Available Network Packet Captures" table will pop-up a comprehensive packet capture information window. One can also upload previously saved network captures and logs to the NST probe using the "Upload Network Capture Files & Logs" section.
This implementation also handles the ability to Save/Load all "Network Packet Capture Filters & Options" located on a NST probe.
Packet Capture Available View
The network packet capture view of available captures for a given NST probe is shown below. Only network packet captures that have satisfied the current search criteria that is in effect, have their status type enabled and have not been restricted by a display limit will be presented.
The display is broken up into 2 sections, one for the "Single-Tap Captures" and one for the "Multi-Tap Captures". The status type for each capture is shown in a different text color: Available Capture, Archive Capture and a Pending Capture.

Select/Scan/Filter/Search For Packet Capture Files