Installing "gstreamer1-libav" for the Parole Media Player
What is the parole Media Player?
Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop. Parole features playback of local media files, DVD/CD and live streams. Parole is extensible via plugins.
The source code for Parole can be found on Github: Parole source
Missing gstreamer plugin: "gstreamer1-libav" Package From Fedora DNF Repository
The Fedora DNF Repository currently does not include the "gstreamer1-libav" package which is required by Parole for playing mp4 videos. The following error message is displayed if the package is missing: "H.264 (High Profile) decoder" is need by Parole.
The source code for "gstreamer1-libav" can be found on Github: gst-libav source
The RPM Fusion DNF repository does include the "gstreamer1-libav" package. Use the following sections to install the RPM Fision repository for DNF usage and installation of the "gstreamer1-libav" package.
How do I install the "gstreamer1-libav" Package?
The "gstreamer1-libav" packaged is located at the RPM Fusion Site. First we need to add this repository to NST.
Install The RPM Fusion Repository Into NST
dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm;
Install "gstreamer1-libav" From RPM Fusion Repository
Once the repository is added, we next add "gstreamer1-libav". It is that simple!
dnf install gstreamer1-libav;