Hard Disk Install Setup Tips

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Revision as of 11:20, 3 April 2007 by Petehoffswell (talk | contribs) (NIC Setup)
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HD Installation Recipe

The following details a set of steps to Partition Hard disk to accept two NST installations and 3 ethernet NICs.

HD Install

* Boot From CD
* Log in 
* cfdisk 
  * create 2G NST install #1 /dev/hda1  Make bootable
  * create 2G NST install #2 /dev/hda2
  * Create 1G swap /dev/hda3 
  * create /dev/hda4 for /var/nst
* reboot
* nsthdinstall
  *  nsthdinstall --device /dev/hda2 --format --label "NST v1.5.0-2" --swap-devices /dev/hda5 --swap-format-label --grub-install   
  *  nsthdinstall --device /dev/hda1 --format --label "NST v1.5.0-1" --swap-devices /dev/hda5 --swap-format-label --grub-install   
* reboot to HD.
* Login with nst@2003 password. 
* Create var partition, and move var to it:
  *    {{{

mke2fs -c /dev/hda4 mkdir /newvar mount /dev/hda4 /newvar cd /var cp -ax * /newvar cd / mv var oldvar mkdir var }}}

  * Edit /etc/fstab to add 
 {{{/dev/hda4            /var              ext2            defaults                        1 2}}}
* reboot

Host Name

{{{nsthostname -n nprobe2}}}

NIC Setup

All nodes but gr at 10.x.1.6

* cdnet
  * Set probe ports eth0 and eth1 to static
  * Set management port eth2 (the onboard nic) to static, and set ip address 10.<campus>.1.6

[root@nprobe9 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes

  1. PROBE PORT 3com NIC

[root@nprobe9 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes

  1. PROBE PORT 3com NIC #2

[root@nprobe9 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth3 DEVICE=eth3 BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes IPADDR= GATEWAY= NETMASK= BROADCAST= NETWORK=

  1. onboard nic management interface

Set the probe nic to monitor the vlan or interlink you wish to monitor. For a campus, this would be typically vlan2 on the core switch, to monitor all traffic inbound/outbound to the campus.