Transfer to SourceForge

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Tweak Release Notes

You should review and possibly tweak the release notes that will accompany the upload to SourceForge prior to uploading the files. For example:

[root@nst-dev-32 repo]# emacs nst-2.13.0-1713/release-notes-2.13.0-1713.txt

FTP to SourceForge

At this point you can start transferring files to SourceForge. The make -C yum sftp-sf can be used to simplify this task (NOTE: It defaults to Nautilus if the DISPLAY variable is set, unset DISPLAY to remain on the command line).

[root@nst-dev-32 repo]# (unset DISPLAY; make -C yum sftp-sf)
make: Entering directory `/root/repo/yum'
if [ -z "" ]; then \
	  sftp pblankenbaker,; \
	else \
	  nautilus ssh://pblankenbaker,; \
Connecting to
Enter passphrase for key '/root/.ssh/id_dsa': 
Changing to: /home/frs/project/n/ns/nst/
sftp> mkdir "NST/NST v2.13.0-1713"
sftp> ls NST
NST/NST v1.8.0      NST/NST v1.8.1      NST/NST v2.13.0-1713
sftp> cd "NST/NST v2.13.0-1713"
sftp> lcd ../nst-2.13.0-1713
sftp> lls
sftp> put release-notes-2.13.0-1713.txt
... Output as source is uploaded ...
sftp> put nst-2.13.0-1713.tar.gz
... Output as source is uploaded ...
sftp> put nst-2.13.0-1713.i686.iso
... Output as ISO is uploaded ...

NOTE: In the past, we've had user's start to download files before they were fully transferred. To avoid this, you can transfer the files to the OldFiles directory first and then use the rename command to make the files "instantly" appear in the download area.

Save Copy On cirrus

You should also save a copy of the released files under the /NSTDEV32/releases (32 bit) and /NSTDEV64/releases (64 bit) directory corresponding to the build. For example, if you just produced the 32 bit nst-2.13.0-1713 release, you would run the following command:

[root@nst-dev-32 repo]# scp -rp nst-2.13.0-1713/ cirrus:/NSTDEV32/releases/nst-2.13.0-1713/

... Many files are transferred ...

[root@nst-dev-32 repo]#