HowTo Automate & Manage NST Geolocation Results

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***Note: Page Under Construction***

Overview - nstgeolocate Session Manager

The nstgeolocate Session Manager page was designed to help manage and automate the generation of certain geolocation types. Currently, auto-generated "ntop Host" geolocation sessions can be created, monitored and managed. Also, all previously generated "IPv4 Address Conversation" geolocation sessions can be viewed or managed. Using the NST menu, one can navigate to the nstgeolocate Session Manager page as shown in the screen shot below.

NST WUI nstgeolocate Session Manager Menu Selection

Collapse / Expand Session Sections

The amount of information presented on the nstgeolocate Session Manager page can be large depending on the number of ntop Host sessions configured and/or the number of IPv4 Address Conversations archived. To help focus, save time and limit the amount of information presented on the page, use a combination of either the "Collapse All Sessions" button or the "Expand All Sessions" button with one or more "Hide / Show" session section folder icons to display your desired page view.

Manage & Monitor ntop Host Sessions

There are 2 sections that display configured ntop Host sessions. One for auto-generating ntop Host Geolocations on one or more Mercator World Map projections and the other for auto-generating one or more ntop Host Geolocations KML documents that can be rendered on Google Earth. ntop Host sessions are created and configured in section: Create / Update / Import nstgeolocate Host Session. A running ntop session can be local (i.e., Running on your NST probe) or remote (i.e., Running on a system other than your local NST probe).

Each configured ntop Host session type is presented in a table. The following describes each column header associated with the tables.

  • World Map nstgeolocate Host Session Directory : Click on each link to use the NST Directory/File Browser to view supporting files associated with the generation of producing a ntop World Map Host bit image.
  • KML Document nstgeolocate Host Session Directory: Click on each link to use the NST Directory/File Browser to view supporting files associated with the generation of producing a ntop KML Document.
  • C
  • Active 'ntop' Session
  • Description
  • Action
    • U
    • R
    • D
    • M

nstgeolocate Session Manager: Configured ntop Host Sessions

Manage & View IPv4 Address Conversation Sessions

nstgeolocate Session Manager: Archived IPv4 Address Conversations Geolocations

Create / Update / Import ntop Host Sessions

nstgeolocate Session Manager: Create, Update and Import ntop Host Sessions