HowTo Shutdown NST Using A USB Flash Drive Install For Relocation

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Preparing NST For Relocation Using: "/sbin/halt.local"

If you are using a "USB Flash Drive" hard disk installation, the following file: "/sbin/halt.local" can be created so that the "USB Flash Drive" can be relocated to any other system that supports booting a "USB Flash Drive".

#! /bin/bash

# Source function library...
. "/etc/init.d/functions";

echo -n "Preparing NST for relocation:";

# Prepare for move on each shutdown...
/usr/bin/nstboot --move;

if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then
  echo_success;         # signal success...
  exit 0;
  echo_failure;         # signal failure...
  exit 1;